2017 New Alumni Books Update: First Quarter

Books written by Alumni Authors published in January – March, 2017

Congratulations to these Community of Writers Alums who have published books in the first three months of 2017.

We are delighted to share their success with you. You can explore these books by clicking the book cover images below.




  • Lisa Alvarez & Andrew Tonkovich
  • Marcia Butler
  • Lindsey Lee Johnson
  • Terry Shames

Do you have a forthcoming publication? Send us your news, and and we will post it in our Omnium Gatherum: Alumni News.  And if your news is a book publication, we’ll include it in our next quarterly 2017 New Alumni Book Update here!

The Community of Writers at AWP – Reunion News

AWP_GroupThe Community of Writers made an appearance at the 2016 AWP Conference in Los Angeles March 30 – April 2.

On Wednesday evening, we hosted a casual reunion at a private home in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. Writers and poets got to know each other on a blustery spring evening. One highlight was that 5 members of Fiction Workshop 6 from 2007 were in attendance.

Prizes were awarded to the alums who had traveled the furthest (Patricia Spears Jones, who will join the Poetry teaching staff this summer); the alum who had attended the most times over the years (Joan Baranow); and the newest alum (shared between the several alums of the 2015 Workshops that attended). New board member, alum, and teaching staff member Alex Espinoza gave a generous speech to the assembled.

Many thanks to Board Members Ruth Blank, Carlin Naify and Jim Naify for making this evening possible.

During the three day conference, regular teaching staff members, as well as alums in Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry, appeared on dozens of panels. We were delighted that there was a tribute in the honor of long-time staff member and Board member Al Young. And of course, Poetry alum Claudia Rankine (’93) gave the brilliant Keynote speech.

  • Patricia Spears Jones
  • Lisa Alvarez and Alex Espinoza
  • 2007 Workshop Group 6
  • Group Photo
  • Al Young

Photos by Amy Rutten