Announcing our 2020 Summer Writing Workshops

The Community of Writers is pleased to announce the 50th Anniversary of our Summer Writing Workshops in Poetry and Fiction, Nonfiction and Memoir.
We are now accepting applications. 

June 20 – 27, 2020

The Poetry Workshop is founded on the belief that when poets gather in a community to write new poems, each poet may well break through old habits and write something stronger and truer than before. The idea is to try to expand the boundaries of what one can write. In the mornings we meet to read to each other the work of the previous twenty-four hours, and in the late afternoons we gather for a conversation about some aspect of craft.On several afternoons staff poets hold brief individual conferences. Director: Robert Hass.

Camille Dungy  •  Robert Hass  •  Brenda Hillman
Major Jackson  •  Ada Limón  •  Matthew Zapruder

Financial Aid Available.
Application Deadline: March 28, 2020. 

More program details, bios, logistics, and application form:

Visit the Poetry Workshop Page

in Fiction, Nonfiction & Memoir
July 6 – 13, 2020

 These workshops assist serious writers by exploring the art and craft as well as the business of writing. The week offers daily morning workshops, craft lectures, panel discussions on editing and publishing, staff readings, and brief individual conferences.The morning workshops are led by staff writer-teachers, editors, or agents. There are separate morning workshops for Fiction and Narrative Nonfiction/Memoir. In addition to their workshop manuscripts, participants may have a second manuscript read by a staff member who meets with them in individual conferences.


 Lisa Alvarez  •  Tom Barbash  •  Michael Carlisle  •  Jane Ciabattari  •  John Daniel  •  Leslie Daniels  •  Cai Emmons  •  Alex Espinoza  •  Joshua Ferris  •  Janet Fitch  •  Karen Joy Fowler  •  Lynn Freed  •  Molly Giles  •  Sands Hall  •  Michael Jaime-Becerra  •  Dana Johnson  •  Louis B. Jones  •  Dylan Landis  •  Krys Lee  •  Edie Meidav  •  Patricia K. Meyer  •  Kirstin Valdez Quade  •  Jason Roberts  •  Elizabeth Rosner  •  Margaret Wilkerson Sexton  •  Julia Flynn Siler  •  Martin J. Smith  •  Gregory Spatz  •  Elizabeth Tallent  •  Andrew Tonkovich  •  Oscar Villalon  


Max Byrd  •  Meg Waite Clayton  •  Selden Edwards  •  Richard Ford  •  Diana Fuller  •  Anne Lamott
Diane Johnson  •  Michelle Latiolais  •  Kem Nunn  •  Amy Tan


Literary Agents – Book & Literary Magazine Editors and more


Robin Page  •  Shobha Rao  •  Marci Vogel  •  Alia Volz  •  Kate Wisel

Financial Aid available.
Application Deadline: March 28, 2020

More program details, bios, logistics, and application form:
Visit the Writers Workshops Page