2020 Writers Workshops in the Virtual Valley

Photo of Squaw Valley with clouds clearing. Writers Workshops

Virtual Summer Writing Workshops

Although we miss gathering physically together this summer, we’re excited that the breadth of online options might allow us to come together in ways that are otherwise impossible to imagine. We’ve been hard at work putting together online offerings that allow isolated writers to come together for learning, camaraderie, and inspiration.

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Current Virtual Programs:

Navigate to our Events Page for the full list of online opportunities.

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A Workshop on the Short Story:

Dates: July 19- July 24, 2020*
Capacity 10
Tuition:  $850.00
Hours of Instruction/Discussion 20.5
Registration/Opening Meeting July 19
Workshops 9:00 AM – Noon (Pacific) M – F
Individual Conferences 20 minutes. Wednesday afternoon.
Craft Discussions M-T-T-F at 4-5 pm PST
Gatherings M-W-F at 5:00 pm PST
Staff Readings T-T at 5:00 pm PST

Opportunity to be considered for the Short Story Workshop is reserved for those who applied to the 2020 Writers Workshops. 

Designed for those who applied with a short story, and led by five workshop leaders (writers) who specialize in short fiction, this will span six days: One day of registration and orientation followed by five days of workshops, craft discussions and individual conferences. Each day the workshop will be led by a different staff member, and will treat one short story each by two participants (5,000 word limit). A different staff member will be assigned to each participant for a 20-minute brief individual consultation about the same manuscript. We will present hour-long conversations on the writing craft, or on publication, daily. A number of social hours will also be scheduled. Financial Aid available.

The Teaching Staff

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Tom Barbash Michael Jaime Becerra • Dana Johnson •  Krys Lee •  Kirstin Valdez Quade  •  Oscar Villalon
Several industry professionals will join us for afternoon sessions and individual conferences, TBA.

*Short Story and Novel will run concurrently, and will have some overlap.


A Workshop on the Novel:

Dates: July 19- July 24, 2020*
Capacity 10
Tuition:  $850.00
Hours of Instruction/Discussion 20.5
Registration/Opening Meeting July 19
Workshops 9:00 AM – Noon (Pacific) M – F
Individual Conferences 20 minutes. Wednesday afternoon.
Craft Discussions M-T-T-F at 4-5 pm PST
Gatherings M-W-F at 5:00 pm PST
Staff Readings T-T at 5:00 pm PST

Opportunity to be considered for the Novel Workshop is reserved for those who applied to the 2020 Writers Workshops. 

Designed for those who applied with a novel excerpt, and led by five workshop leaders who specialize in the Novel, this will span six days: One day of registration and orientation followed by five days of workshops, craft discussions and individual conferences. Each day the workshop will be led by a different staff member, and will treat one novel excerpt each by two participants (5,000 word limit).  We will present hour-long conversations on craft and/or publication each day. A number of social hours will also be scheduled. Financial Aid available.

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Janet FitchDevi Laskar •  Tom LutzMargaret Wilkerson SextonGregory Spatz
Several industry professionals will join us for afternoon sessions and individual conferences, TBA.

*Short Story and Novel will run concurrently, and will have some overlap.

A Workshop on the Memoir:

Dates: August 2 – 7, 2020
Capacity 10
Tuition:  $850.00
Hours of Instruction/Discussion 20.5
Registration/Opening Meeting August 2
Workshops 9:00 AM – Noon (Pacific) M – F
Individual Conferences 20 minutes. Wednesday afternoon.
Discussions of Craft / Writing Business M-T-T – F at 4-5 pm PST (More details to come)
Staff Readings Thursday at 5:00 pm PST

Opportunity to be considered for the Memoir Workshop is reserved for those who applied to the 2020 Writers Workshops. 

Led by five workshop leaders who specialize in the Memoir, this conference spans six days: One day of registration and orientation followed by five days of workshops, craft discussions, and other literary offerings. Each day, the workshop—led by a different staff member—will treat memoir manuscripts (limit 5000 words) by two participants.  Each participant will also be paired with a different staff member for 20-minute virtual individual conference. Each afternoon, we present hour-long events of interest, including conversations on writing craft, publication, and readings. Three days a week, including our final day, Friday, these events will be followed by social hours. Financial Aid available.

Memoir Teaching Staff

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Michael Carlisle  •  Alex Espinoza •  Sands Hall •   Elizabeth Rosner  •   Grace Talusan

Additional Visiting Agents & Editors

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George Gibson  •   Michael Mungiello  •   Dan Smentanka

Special Guests

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Debra Gwartney  •   Christine Hemp  •   Michael Mungiello  •   Dan Smentanka  •   Amy Tan


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Take me to the 2020 Writers Workshops page. (Now cancelled due to COVID-19.)