Announcing two mid-winter Micro Workshops on Ecopoetics in the Virtual Valley:
This January and February, the Poetry Program of the Community of Writers is delighted to offer two micro workshops on Ecopoetics led by Brenda Hillman.
Join us in the Virtual Valley for two separate workshops in which we will explore the way nature and ecopoetics manifest in your poems. The workshop will focus on exploration of new work by participants.
Session I: Monday, January 25, 2021
Session II: Monday, February 8, 2021
Brenda Hillman’s most recent book is Extra Hidden Life among the Days (2018). Hillman has co-edited and co-translated numerous volumes, including Ana Cristina Cesar’s At Your Feet (Parlor Press, 2018), co-translated from Portuguese with her mother Helen Hillman. Her awards for poetry include the 2020 Morton Dauwen Zabel Award for Innovation from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. She teaches at Saint Mary’s College of California, co-directs Poetry Week at Community of Writers and currently serves as a Chancellor at the Academy of American Poets.
$60 for 90-minute workshop. Limited financial aid. Meets on Zoom.
Register early: Enrollment in each session is limited to 7 alums of the Poetry Workshop.
To apply, submit one poem. Deadline for either workshop: January 7, 2021.
(You will be notified regarding acceptance on or before January 10, 2020.)
Offered only to alums of our summer Poetry Workshop, these online workshops will be held entirely on Zoom and will run for 90 minutes. In these short sessions we will discuss the way nature and ecopoetics manifest in your poetry. Short readings will be given at the beginning, and in very much the same spirit as our usual Poetry week, we ask each participant to come prepared to share a fresh new poem to the group; the balance of the workshop will focus on exploration of this new work.