Writing from the Senses: A Weekend Intensive with Janet Fitch: 

Oct. 9-11, 2020.

Sick of being a brain in a jar? Writing gone flat? Get back in touch with your senses in this weekend workshop,  Oct. 9-11. The human being is built for sensual experience. This workshop is designed to get you from behind the screen and back into physical reality, revitalizing your practice and invigorating your work with the richness of the senses, those portals to memory and the imagination. This class is led by bestselling novelist, Janet Fitch.

“Observation is the first act of the imagination,” said poet William Carlos Williams. 

Perception is just half the journey.  Who hasn’t been captivated by a wayward scent, a certain effect of light, and been at a loss to transfer the experience it into words? Not only will you learn to observe more keenly, but you’ll develop the tools to turn vivid sense impressions into rich, startling language.

The format combines lecture and generative exercises, in-class discussion and experiential assignments. Suitable for fiction writers, memoirists, poets and anyone ready to reconnect with the artistic potential of sensual reality.

This event will be held entirely on Zoom.

Five two-hour sessions:
Friday: 6:00-8:00 pm (Pacific).
Saturday and Sunday: Twice daily: 10:00- 12:00 noon & again 6:00-8:00 pm (Pacific).

Note: Plan to do assignments outside  of class hours.

Tuition: $330. Register by Thursday, October 8 at 10 am to be included.

This program is open to alums of the Community of Writers as well as members of the public. 

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