Molly Fisk (’92, ’95, ’98, ’04) is Poet Laureate of Nevada County and author of the poetry collections, The More Difficult Beauty and Listening to Winter, and the essay collections Houston, We Have a Possum; Using Your Turn Signal Promotes World Peace; and Blow-Drying a Chicken. Her radio commentary, “Observations from a Working Poet,” has aired weekly in the News Hour of KVMR-FM Nevada City, CA since 2005. Fisk has been awarded grants by the National Endowment for the Arts, the California Arts Council, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. She’s the Poet Laureate of KVMR and Hell’s Backbone Grill in Boulder, Utah, teaches writing to cancer patients, and works as a life coach in the Skills for Change tradition. She emceed the Poetry Benefit Reading in Nevada City in 2017. Her blog can be found at www.mollyfiskunlimited.com. www.mollyfisk.com