Meryl Natchez

Meryl Natchez’s (’88, ’00, ’05, ’09, ’13) most recent book of poetry is Catwalk, June 2020, from Longship Press. Her translations include: Poems From the Stray Dog Café: Akhmatova, Mandelstam and Gumilev, and Tadeusz Borowski: Selected Poems. Her book of poetry, Jade Suit, appeared in 2001. Her work has appeared in “LA Review of Books,” “Hudson Review,” “Poetry Northwest,” “ZYZZYVA,” “American Journal of Poetry,” “Literary Matters,” “The Pinch Literary Review,” “The Comstock Review,” “Altanta Review,” “Lyric,” “Moth,” “Squaw Valley Community of Writers Poetry Review,” and many others, as well as the Tupelo Press anthology Cooking with the MuseAgainst Forgetting: Poetry of Witness edited by Carolyn Forché, and America We Call Your Name: Poems of Resistance and Resiliance . She is on the board of the Marin Poetry Center and cofounded the non-profit, Opportunity Junction, now in its 16th year. She is on the board of Marin Poetry Center.