Grant Hier

Grant Hier has been awarded Prize Americana (for Untended Garden), the The Nancy Dew Taylor Prize, and a Kick Prize. He has nominations for an American Book Award, Kate Tufts Discovery Award, and a Pushcart Prize. His poems are anthologized in the books Orange County: A Literary Field Guide (Heyday), Only Light Can Do That (Rattling Wall/PEN), Monster Verse (Knopf). His fiction appears in LA Fiction Anthology (Red Hen). Essays appear in The Review of Contemporary Fiction, Jeffers Studies, Explorations in English Studies, Teaching Composition with Literature, and John Fante: A Critical Gathering. As a voice actor he contributed to the audio book of George Saunders’ Lincoln in the Bardo. A new book about California history is forthcoming. He attended the Community of Writers in ’93 (WW), ’95 (AOW), and  ’98 (Poetry).