Colin Dickey

Colin Dickey (’06) is the author of five books of nonfiction: Under the Eye of Power: How Fear of Secret Societies Shapes American Democracy; The Unidentified: Mythical Monsters, Alien Encounters, and Our Obsession with the Unexplained; Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places; Afterlives of the Saints: Stories from the Ends of Faith; and Cranioklepty: Grave Robbing and the Search for Genius. He is also the co-editor (with Joanna Ebenstein) of The Morbid Anatomy Anthology. He has written on fringe culture, conspiracy belief, the paranormal and the occult, as well as death and dying, for a variety of publications, including The New Republic, Lapham’s Quarterly, The Believer,, The Atlantic, The Los Angeles Times, and The Smithsonian, among many others.