Susan Golomb has been an agent of literary and upmarket fiction and non-fiction for over 30 years both with her own agency and now with Writers House. Her clients include National Book Award Winners Jonathan Franzen and William T. Vollmann; New York Times bestsellers Rachel Kushner (also a NBA and Booker nominee), Imbolo Mbue (winner of the Penn Faulkner award), Edgar Award winning author Angie Kim, Danielle Trussoni, Brando Skyhorse (winner of the Penn Hemingway Award), Noah Hawley, Janelle Brown and Harry S. Dent Jr., among others. She also represents Community of Writers alums Glen David Gold, Krys Lee and Wayétu Moore. Susan graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Pennsylvania and is always looking for excellent literary or commercial fiction, memoir, and narrative nonfiction.