A Short Course: Warm, Fullblooded Life – Joyce’s Ulysses in Seven Weeks – August 25 to September 29, 2024

Graphic advertising an online course about James Joyce's Ulysses, led by author Peter Orner. Hosted by the Writers' Annex and the Community of WritersIn this short course, we’ll read Ulysses slow and steady over six weeks and zero in on Joyce the storyteller, the creator of indelible scenes. And we’ll reserve a seventh session to get to anything we missed along the way. We will talk about what is happening on the page, i.e., what is going on with these characters–Stephen, Leopold, Molly and so many others– on the streets of Dublin. And we’ll also take to heart Nabokov’s advice on how to teach this novel: “Instead of perpetuating the pretentious nonsense of Homeric, chromatic, and visceral chapter headings, instructors should prepare maps of Dublin with Bloom’s and Stephen’s intertwining itineraries clearly traced.” We won’t teach or learn it, we’ll live it as best we can. And along the way we’ll make our own maps and get out into the streets of a novel that remains strange, enduring, and alive.

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