Ewa Chrusciel (‘08/’10):
Ewa Chrusciel has three books in Polish: Furkot (2003), Sopilki (2009), and Tobołek (2016), and two books in English: Strata (Emergency Press, 2010), Contraband of Hoopoe (Omnidawn Press, 2014), and Of Anunciations (Omnidawn Press, 2017). Her poems were featured in Jubilat, Boston Review, Colorado Review, Lana Turner, Spoon River Review, Aufgabe among others. She translated Jack London, Joseph Conrad, I.B. Singer as well as Jorie Graham, Lyn Hejinian, and other American poets into Polish. She is an associate professor at Colby-Sawyer College. http://www.echrusciel.net/