2008 Poetry Review

This issue of Review continues the Community of Writers Poetry Program tradition of publishing a collection of poems begun during the poets’ week together in July. Poets submitted three poems–whether completely revised or exactly the same as the day the poem was first imagined–and three volunteer editors (participants of the Poetry Program) selected which poems to include in the Review. Proceeds benefit the Scholarship Fund.


Lauren K. Alleyne • Heather Altfeld • Joe Atkins • Joan Baranow • Judy Bebelaar • Laura June Bernstein • Judy Brackett • Beverley Bie Brahic • Richard Brown • Deborah Buchanan • Ashley Butler • Alex Chambers • Ewa Chrusciel • Scott Conley • Deborah Dallinger • Joshua Davis • Whitney DeVos • Suzanne Edison • Gina Forberg  • Catherine Freeling • Richard Gabriel  • Leah Naomi Green • Jim Gunshinan • Rebecca Guyon  • Ken Haas  • Marguerite L. Harrold  • Liberty Heise  • George Higgins  • James Houlihan  • Nicelle C. Hughes • Lisa Anne Jones  • Lawrence Kaplun  • Andrew Kaufman • Ann Keniston • Devi Sen Laskar • Laurie Lessen-Reiche • Jennifer Liou • Kim Lohse • Matt Mauch • Theresa McCourt  • Nancy Mohr • Laura Wine Paster • Charlotte Pence • Michelle Raust • Claudia M. Reder  • Justin Rigamonti • Deborah Dashow Ruth • Larry Ruth • David Scronce • Lauren Shapiro • Richard Sims • Patrick Smith • Wendy Trevino • Zach Vesper • Jonathan Watson • Dean Young


Liberty Heise   •  Lisa Anne Jones   •  Lawrence Kaplun

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