Online Offerings Survey Page Community of Writers Literary Offerings Survey Please give us feedback on the kind of virtual events you would be interested in. Name* First Middle Last Email What do you write? Fiction Nonfiction Memoir Poetry Screenwriting Are you an alum of the Community of Writers?*If so, which program(s). Poetry Writers Workshops Screenwriting Other No This field is hidden when viewing the formDid you apply to the 2020 Writers Workshops this year?* Yes No This field is hidden when viewing the formDid you apply to the 2020 Poetry Workshops?* Yes No Are you interested in receiving information about online opportunities?* Yes No What kind of online events would interest you?* Small group workshops (for poetry, stories, essays or excerpts) Individual conferences (for poetry, stories, essays or excerpts) Memoir, Book-length Nonfiction or Novel Mentorship Revision Workshop Sands Hall's Open Workshop (see website description) Patricia K. Meyer's Film Adaptation Workshop (see website description) First Aid for poems and prose Staff Readings Great Writing Recommendations by Staff Published Alumni Readings Generative Workshops Panels and/or Conversations on Craft Panels and/or Conversations on Publishing Panels and/or Conversations with Agents Poetry Translation Social Opportunities Length/Intensity of events* One-day offerings Intensive Weekend Weekly for 6-10 weeks Intensive 3 days Intensive 5 days 1 - 1.5 hour events Regular and ongoing Comments 61913